My idea to get a camper trailer is now a need... With my situation its impossible for me to find a place to rent to me, my credit history is too immature, blah blah blah. I'm used to the challenges of finding places to rent while being self-employed like I am and all that. I get that I need more of a credit history before I can just buy something.
But what I am not used to or understanding is why is my landlord making it harder and harder for me to even work? She just dropped the news on me the 18th of April but immediately she told me 3 different dates of when people were coming to the house but they never showed. They finally showed after days of me missing work and orders.
Instead it has been nothing but problems back to back. Every little chance my landlord gets she schedules some kind of appointment or something for somebody to come out, without even discussing things with me. The most recent time being she had text me and asked me if this one time/day was good for me and I told her no for once(after the dozen or so random pop ups/unexpected appointments) because I already had things scheduled for that time and then she blew up at me. I’ve told her many times before that I work from home and I need a heads up before she can just pop up so I can arrange things for work. This made her so mad when I told her I was not able to do it at that time but offered other options when she could come by. She was pissed.
What is the point of asking if a date is good or not if you’re not even willing to change it when the person says it’s not a good day? The worst part is, after I offered her like all of next week as an option if she wanted to make it a legal matter because “I’m your landlord”. Like hold up, it doesn’t matter she’s already interfered with my work if she wants to be paid her rent then she is going to let me work, that is that. I’m not about to fall short on rent because she is hindering me from making HER money. (that she will end up spending on her adult daughter)
After a long argument she finally decided to just go ahead and reschedule for next week (because she had already scheduled before even discussing it with me.)... But that wasn’t the end of it. She did up sitting at her longer again. So another day that I had planned to be working I am interrupted by the loud workers, again. I even caught one of the workers just pretending to be working in front of my freaking door on my porch with the leaf blower just to be loud. Like this is the type of person who will pay other people money to aggravate other people to get their way. This is pure entitlement between her and her daughter who has decided she doesn’t want to live in their basement anymore, that’s all they are, just entitled.
Now for me being a month behind on my work and now trying to figure out how I’m going to move is stressing me out. I’m really only just stressed because every single morning before at 7am. There’s some kind of construction or loud noises going on around the neighborhood so loud to the point I just can’t sleep anymore. Most of my work takes place in the afternoon and evenings late into the night, so I cant always just go to bed early. Instead I go to bed late and I am woken up super early. Now I just am exhausted.
I’m tired of the city life. I think it’s time for me to get out of the city. So my previous blog talking about how I want to get a camper trailer is no longer just in idea, it is a need to survive. Right I’m having a hard time finding a place to rent that will except me and with as impossible as my landlord is being I just want to get out as soon as possible. I cannot deal with her. She is doing everything she can to just push me out right now but she knows she has to stay within the law.
I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. This camper trailer is my best and only option for me and my squirrels but it’s been slow progress getting closer to getting a camper trailer.
If you want to help me get closer to this goal please check out my previous blog: Crazy goal?
Kiss kiss meow,
Kitty Moon
(This is kind of a "Venting (Part 1)" so please subscribe and stay tuned for a "Venting (Part 2)" regarding the current situation.
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