TL;DR? Summery: Literally, just a few days. I will be online, but not filming.
My body needs rest. I should be back to filming this weekend
So the past few weeks I have been going hard. Non-stop. With my truck being down, repairing it, and trying to get my ManyVids to take off more. It's really wearing me out. I tweaked my shoulder again, so it is really hurting me right now. I need to give it and myself a break before I break myself.
Also with how many videos I have been producing lately I have really let my room become a mess. I do have plenty of videos to upload for weeks, really. If I stick to my Wed & Sat upload schedule I can probably last about two months without running out of videos.
Anyways, back to the room I film it. So it's a big mess. You can't tell because everything stays behind the camera. Seriously... I finally got some organization stuff so I want to get in there to go through everything to make it as organized as can be. I can not tell you how hard it is to find the right stockings when I have so many! Same for panties and everything else. I even keep miss placing my toys. Over the next few days I will be (carefully, as too not strain my shoulder any more) organizing the film room.
I can not stop doing everything since I still have bills to pay so I will still be doing my IRL work. There is so much I have to do, like try to get stuff together for my truck so I can drive again or yard work because I rent so I can not let the yard go un-managed for too long. It's just I won't be filming for a few days, It will not be for too long. Ill rest from today to the 5th or 6th, then on the 5th or 6th I will film some. Then around the 8th to the 14th I will not be filming for other reasons. Then back to filming often after that.
While I'm taking those days off I will be online. I will also be spending some time prepping for the videos I will be producing soon. I have many items I need to gather for a few ideas so I need to get them for finishing touches. I do have a wishlist for items I need to go towards certain videos. Even though some of the uses for each item is kept secret so every one can have good surprises when the content comes out. If you wish to contribute to help support the production of my videos and help me gather the items I need quicker you can check out the wishlist by clicking here.
**Any contributors WILL receive unboxing/first use content made with the item or have the option to receive the content that is planned to be made with that item when the content has been made (could be a little while for some content).**
Again, I will STILL upload videos to my ManyVids regularly on Wednesdays & Saturdays, so make sure to check back often. I will also try to spend more time blogging here... Keep an eye out on the MV Blog for one of my blogs! And the MV Gear contest. I will post the contest on my twitter as soon as its active.
Follow me on twitter for the quickest updates on when I will be filming. Because if I feel like filming Ill tweet that I'm about to film like usual. I'll be on twitter as well.
Follow me: @_KittyMoon
Kiss kiss meow!
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